today last my paper dee~!~ yay! i shud be happy!!! but i m not~!~! i got mumps~!~! for the benafit of those that are not so sure wat is mumps, mumps is...
a)viral disease like chicken pox. which means u might get it once in a life time. no antibody will help.
b)mumps will make your saliva glands swollen. then parts below your ear will be swollen. its painful
c)if u get mumps, you should chew less. this is because chewing makes the saliva glands work harder to produce saliva.
the next part..FOR MALES ONLY
d)in many serious case of mumps, not just your saliva glands is swollen, YOUR TESTICALS AND PENIS WILL SWELL TOO and the doctor said that it is damn painful. THANK GOD I DONT HAVE THIS!!!! i repeat I DONT HAVE THIS!!! HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR!!!
it takes about a week or so to heal itself. hope i get well soon!!!