kinda in a bad shape now. been sick since last week. but then again this aint that bad compare to someone i know. HOPE U DO WELL SOON ENOUGH!
the blogging sprit in sort of die off. many things happen but then just didnt feel like blogging. so wats new...???
people i know seem well...the girls got prettier...guys got HANDSOMER!!! is there such word btw! i heard that munchkinpuff is in sarawak...miss toosexy apparently is busy working gang is hang loads of fun, in and off classes...dsg gang is busy with AWAKENING'06....who else did i miss!!!
as for me... my life sort of tone down...things aint as spicy as it use to housemates notice this... all i do now is chill in my room alone...not that i m complaining, its just that its not the same... i miss my old life vy much.... i miss all the yumchaing session... i miss hanging out till late night....i miss the marketing gang...i miss the a3 girls....i miss MY MELAKA GANG!!! i miss those clubbing moments that i really enjoy....NO MORE CLUBBING FOR ME!!! i miss MEOW!!! gosh i din realise that i been missing so much things!!! and there is more!!!
i m happy now!!! just that life kinda diff now!!! MAJOR DIFF!!! I ACTUALLY DO REVISON BEFORE AND AFTER CLASS!!! AND I PRINT MY NOTES!!! for those who know me!!! i mean really know me!!! this has never happen before!!! hahahaha...
i think thats all for now!!! ITALY WON THE WC!!! fonza italia!!! have fun peeps!!!
bhavatu sabba manggalam!!!!!