Tuesday, August 30, 2005

: : granny may you be well and happy where ever you may be : :

The Buddha taught the four noble truths:

First noble truth, life is suffering.
Second noble truth, the cause of suffering.
Third noble truth, the cessation of suffering.
Forth noble truth, the way to end suffering.

Lets skip all and just discuss the first noble truth, Life is suffering. The statement literally means to life is suffering. And what does living means? Whatever you think living is that is it. But generally speaking it covers the birth, the aging or growing up, sickness and pain and lastly death. Everything we do is suffering. Not to you maybe, but to someone else. For example, when you were born, it was joy for you and your family, but it cause great pain to your mother. When you want something badly but you do not get it that is suffering. When you are in first place in any competition, the second runner up will suffer.

When I say suffering, it’s not like being torture or anything like that. Suffering I meant was, the feeling of dissatisfaction, unpleasant, or any other negative feelings. In short “ bo song” feeling.

Why am I posting this? Granny just passed away on Sunday. She was 87 years old. May she be well and happy where ever she is. I would like to say thank you to all those who send their wishes. I truly appreciate it.

And lastly so sorry to all those I hurt intentionally or unintentionally in this pass few days. I must admit I am not emotionally unstable. I get angry, sad and jealous easily for no good reason. Sorry sorry!!!!!

tell me what you think about this. i really wanna hear.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

: : sigh : :

today when i got a msg from my dad saying that my grandma was in coma, i froze for a moment. i didnt know wat to do then. i rushed to the hospital. all my uncles n aunties was there. i saw my granny lying there motionless. her hands was cold. both her arms were swollen. i wasnt really close with my granny due to languange barrier. but that that time deep down inside i was sad. 101 things are in my head now. granny, assignmnets, exams and her. i duno wat to do. in times like this i really hope that there is someone with me. someone to lean on, to cry to, to give a hug. but i guess i havent found that person yet.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

: : saya anak malaysia : :

saya anak malaysia !!! keranamu malaysia!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

: : edisi BM 2 : menyelamatkan kemaluan aylwin : :

kegairahan mem"blog" dalam bahasa melayu semakin membara.

saya mempersembahakan lagu kebangsaan yang terbaru

Tanah tumpahny jerebu,
Rakyat hidup bersesak dan layu,
Rahmat Bahagia, Penjual topeng muka,
Raja kita, kena pakai juga.
Rahmat Bahagia, Penjual topeng muka,
Raja kita, kena pakai juga.

terima kasih saudara topper yang kini berada di negeri di bawah bayu kerana sudi berkongsi lagu ini. semoga saudara tidak berterbangan di bawa bayu ke laut cina selatan.

: : edisi BM : menyelamatkan kemaluan aylwin : :

begini ceritanya, saya baru balik dari makan malam. terbaca pulak coretan si alias-sher pulak. maka timbul lah suatu perasaan yang amat kuat. perasaan cinta kepada negara mula timbul. yakni saya telah membuat keputusan untuk mem"blog" dalam bahasa melayu maka lahirlah edisi BahasaMelayu : menyelamatkan kemaluan aylwin.

berbalik kepada coretan saya yang lalu, saya telah bertanya satu soalan, "apakan nama ingeris bagi lala?" iaitu sejenis makanan laut. terlebih dahulu ingin saya mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada mereka yang telah menyumbangkan jawapan , seperti si victor, si teresa, si kangxian, si rachel dan lain lain lagi. jawapan yang sebenar ialah "clams" orang yang pertama yang telah memberikan jawapan ialah teman sebilik saya. maka dialah yang mendapat hadiah secawan kopi di bintangbucks. tetapi kepada yang tidak berjaya jangan patah hati. terdapat juga hadiah sagu hati. hadiah sagu hati berupa secawan teh ais di mana mana gerai mamak berdekatan. sekali lagi ingin saya merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang terlibat.

pagi ini, pada pukul 630 pagi, saya bersama teman serumah telah berangkat ke bandar kelang yang terletak lebih kurang 40 minit dari pekan cyberjaya. kami ke sana untuk bersarapan pagi. makanannya adalah makanan yang amat terkenal di bandar kelang iaitu tulang babi teh. untuk makluman semua tulang babi teh ini dimasak di dalam periuk pasir dan di makan bersama nasi minyak dan bawang goreng. hidanganan in amat menyelerakan. rugi jika anda ke bandar kelang dan tidak mencuba hidangan ini.

tentu saudara saudari sekalian hairan kenapa si alias-sher dan saya mem"blog" dalam bahasa melayu. ini kerana :-

a) hari kebangsaan akan tiba tidak lama lagi. ini sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada pahlawan2 yang telah bergadai nyawa demi negara tercinta malaysia
b)untuk meningkatkan martabat bahasa melayu yang kian hilang di kalangan pelajar universiti sekarang.
c)supaya orang ramai tidak lupakan bahasa ini. cintailah bahasa kita

akhir kata " bahasa jiwa negara" selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yang akan jatuh pada 31 ogos 2005.

malaysia boleh!!!!!

p/s : sekiranya tersilap bahasa atau jika ada kesilapan tatabahasa, saya meminta maaf.

Friday, August 19, 2005

: : the challenge : :

anyone can tell me the english word for la la(the small shellfish) i m going to buy him or her a cuppa at starbucks~!~! anyone up to the challange?

Monday, August 15, 2005

: : so suey but not that suey : :

suey part 1

just now i went for 8 am class, after class i ajak-ed lisan n seh li go mcD breakfast. so went to my car but my car wont start. i left my lights on for 2 whole hours. the battery died. i then call chee onn for the jump cable, he was on the way to campus i told him where i was n he came. just b4 he came, a3-8-3a senior came. yong zhi help me push my car out so that can jump start. but it couldnt, coz the cable was to thin and battery died. so i decided to go get a new battery. poor lisan n sehli still waiting for me.

suey part 2

just as i was hurrying out to get the battery, i accidentally left my keys in the ignition and lock the door. that time i was like OMG. wat to do. i call dad to bring over the keys n get a new battery. then off i go to mcD in lisan's car.

suey part 3
dad came with the battery. took 5 min to install the batt. after that i couldnt find the nut to hold the battery in place. then i was like DAMN. wat to do, to plan to go some find the nut in dengkil. said bye bye to dad n he left. just b4 i left, a3-8-3a seniors came bek from class. out of no where suddenly ten ten found the nut on the floor. fixed it n chowed bek.

the not so suey part
duno to consider myself lucky or wat. just when i needed jump cables, chee onn was around. just when i needed someone to push the car, yongzhi came. while waiting for dad, lisan fetched me to mcD for breakfast and when i needed to find the nut, ten ten so happen to see the nut. duno how come such thing can happen. really happy in away. mayb my good karma ripen.

once again thank you everyone. without u all i might be stuck there!!!

: : random pic : :

some random pic that i went thru just now, brings back some fond memories~!~!

(L-R)suyen, me, chinkuang, steven, waikit, june

(L-R) suyen, me, june

clockwise : yiquan, arina, chialing, june , kenny

22nd incovar dharma camp

(L-R) arina, me, june, vic, wailin, jess, suyen, rach, jiaho

(L-R) topper, meowchin, bishan, me, song

clockwise : me, daniel, kevin, brian, vic, wailin, sheryee, yvonne, joey

me and munlin

weizhi n me

posting pic is hard work....so sorry to all those "beautiful people" whos picture i did not post out~!~! no matter wat u will be in my heart~!~! promise lar~!~! mayb next time okie~!~!~!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

: : random toughts : :

you ever feel that when you are at the peak of your life, something bad sure happens? well i do. so what can you do about it? to me, always look on the bright side of life. when something goes wrong, there is almost certain that something good will happen. you will just have to find it. remember the poem i posted last week :-

Little birdie flying high,
Drop it's message from the sky,
As i wipe it from my eyes,
I thank the gods that cows can't fly.

there is a moral to be learn. i have learn mine. have u?

: : mixed emotions : :

duno how to explain my feelings now. 101 feelings is poping in and out my mind. some happy, some sad. enuff said.

may my granny be well soon. may she be free from suffering. may she be happy always.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

: : updates : :

port klang and kuala selangor has officially be declared in state of emergency because the API index is over 500. very charm... went to red box today. as usual cheeoon will sing finish as hes the "kor san" and beehui will just sit there and listen to the mini concert. but today concert we had a special guess CHIALING. who tapau-ed cheeoon. rampas mic from him and didnt let the poor kor san sing. LESSON TO BE LEARN : NEVER BRING CHIALING TO KARAOKE.


the celcom commercial ad shooting. woke up and drove back to cyber. gather at the cyberia shops at 1130am. boarded a 868 at 12. destination ZOUK KL. reach there at about 1. was among the first group of kelefehs to arrived. during the day zouk look so diffrent. well it was not as big as at night. it look much smaller. waited until like it was 5 to begin shooting. we shot 2 scene. first scene was indoor, acting like clubbers. we were supose to dance and jump around like drunktards. second scene was outdoor, so we had to wait for the sky to turn dark. acted like ppl walking about when two couple were paktohing. all the shooting ended at 10 and we reach back at cyber at 1130. all the hard work and i only earn 50 bucks. neway get some exp. from this. now i know how a movie or a commercial is produce.

3/8/2005 - 4/8/2005

was very2 tired after the commercial shooting but i headed down to ipoh. boarded a bus at pudu with chinkuang and waikit. june and steven took a bus from penang. wei zhi pick us up and we went and eat something. after that went back to weizhi's house to wait for the rest of the gang. at night, we stayed at suyen's house. my tummy wasnt that well that day. had mild diarrhea. basically the trip was all about food. lou wong, nam heong, tai shu keok and my personal fav. kong hing. on the last day, visited the sam poh tong cave temples. took some pics, fed some turtles and ect. will post some more picturs later on. for more info pls visit steven's blog.

this week end cousin from singapore in coming down to ipoh. so might go down as well. a good chance to escape the haze and suck in some fresh unpolluted ipoh air.

good day peeps. take care

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

: : always look on the bright side of life : :

always look on the bright side of life. there is sure something good that everything that happens.

Little birdie flying high,
Drop it's message from the sky,
As i wipe it from my eyes,
I thank the gods that cows can't fly.

will write something abt the celcom ad and the ipoh trip next time.